10/16/21 - WOD




Tabata x 12
1) Russian Baby Makers
2) Bear Crawl
3) V-Ups
4) High Knees
5) Superman Hold
6) Holl Hold

A. 30 min AMRAP:
In teams of 2...
*You Go, I Go Fashion
200m Run
12 Thrusters (45/35lbs)
12 KB Swings (24/16kg)
200m Run
12 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
12 Box Jumps (24"/20")


Tabata x 12
1) Russian Baby Makers
2) Bear Crawl
3) V-Ups
4) High Knees
5) Superman Hold
6) Holl Hold

A. 30 min AMRAP:
In teams of 2...
*You Go, I Go Fashion
200m Run
12 Thrusters
12 KB Swings
200m Run
12 Wall Balls
12 Box Jumps

Paul Dickey