11/02/21 - WOD
Warm Up
Three Sets of:
Suitcase DL x 5 (each arm)
Medball Rotating Slams x 10
A. Three Sets of:
Deadlift x 8 @ 70% of 1-RM
B. EMOM x 20
1) 40 DU's or 80 SU's
2) 20 KB Sumo Deadlifts
3) 10 Toes to Bar
4) 10 Strict HSPU's
Warm Up
2 min AMRAP:
5 Burpees
10 Air Squats
directly into...
One Round:
w/ empty BB...
Rom. DL x 5
GM's x 5
Front Squats x 5
A. In a 12 min Window:
DB Chest Fly's
Banded Tricep Ext.
DB Floor Press (in a Glute Bridge Hold)
B. "Capture the Flag"
In a 20 min Window:
Four Rounds of:
20 SL V-Ups
40 KB Swings
directly into...
Max Cals (MC) in remaining Time
*looking for most Cals in remaining time. One Male and One Female Winner