08/19/21 - WOD
Warm Up
Tabata x 8
1) Side Plank (left)
2) Side Plank (right)
3) Air Squats
4) PVC Pipe OH Squats
A. Every :90 sec, for 8 Sets:
Slow Pull Squat Snatch x 2
*BB should be lifted at half speed from the floor to low thigh, then accelaerate the BB as quickly as possible through the middle to perform the squat snatch
B. For Time:
18 Lat. Burpees over Bar
9 Power Snatches (135/95lbs)
14 Lat Burpees over Bar
7 Power Snatches
10 Lat. Burpees over Bar
5 Power Snatches
Warm Up
Tabata x 12
1) Plank
2) Scap Push-Ups
3) Air Squats
4) Plank to Pike
5) Hollow Hold
6) Mountain Climbers
A. 3 x 8
BB Bent Over Rows
DB Rev. Fly's
directly into...
Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) Leg Pulses
2) Flutter Kicks
3) Scissor Kicks
B. "King of the Hill"
In a 16 min Window:
8 BB/DB Power Cleans
12 BB/DB Push Press
16 Cals (MC)
20 KB Swings