09/13/21 - WOD
Warm Up
EMOM x 6
:40 on/:20 off
1) Row
2) Banded GM's
3) Burpees
A. In a 15 min Window:
% off of 3-RM from last week
1) 5 @ 50%
2) 3 @ 75%
3) 2 @ 85%
4) 1 @ 90-95%
5) Test 3-RM
6) Test 3-RM
B. Three Sets of:
Against a 2 min clock...
5 Bar Facing Burpees
5 G2O (135/95lbs)
*Rest 2 min between sets and pick up where you leave off after each set. Report total rounds and reps performed.
Warm Up
Group 1)
Group 2)
2 min AMRAP:
5 Inchworms
5 Air Squats
5 Push-Ups
A. In a 15 min Window:
Front Squats x 8
*Build as comfortable
B. "Level Up"
In an 8 min Window:
5 DL's
5 Hang Clean's
5 Shoulder to OH
*add one rep to all each round.
Use same bar for all mvnts. Use DB's if needed (must be light)
-3 min rest-
In an 8 min Window:
5 Cal Row
5 Lat Burpees over Rower
*add one rep to both each round