12/08/22 - WOD
Warm Up
EMOM x 8
:40 on/:20 off
1) Jump Rope
2) HR Push-Ups
3) Banded Pull-Aparts
4) Wall Walks
A. In a 15 min Window:
Four Sets (minimum) of:
Bench Press x 8
Banded Tricep Ext. x 20
B. 15 min AMRAP:
10 DB Push Press (50/35lbs)
20 Ab-Mat Sit-Ups
30 DU's or 60 SU's
Warm Up
10 Cal Row or SkiErg
Followed by...
2 Rounds
w/ an empty BB
Strict Press x 5
Push Press x 5
Push Jerk x 5
A. 3 x 12:
DB Seated Floor Press
BB Shrugs
directly into...
Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) SL V-Ups
2) Hollow Hold
3) Flutter Kicks
B. "King of the Kill"
In a 18 min Window:
200m Run
18 Alt. DB Snatches
18 Box Jump Overs