Warm Up
Group 1)
Row x 3 min
Group 2)
3 min AMRAP:
w/ an empty BB...
2 Scap Pull-Ups
3 Kip Swings
4 Pull-Ups
5 Thrusters
A. For Time:
In teams of 2...
1000m Row
30 Pull-Ups
50 Thrusters (45/35lbs)
*Partner A will Row, Partner B will begin Row after Partner A starts Pull-Ups; pipeline style
ONCE PARTNER B finishes thrusters record time and Partner A will begin...
B. For Time:
In teams of 2...
60/45 Cal Bike
30 Pull-Ups
50 Thrusters (45/35lbs)
*Same pipeline style as Part A
Warm Up
200m Run
A. EMOM x 6
:40 on/:20 off
1) Hollow Pulses
2) Superman Pulses
B. "Tag"
In a 40 min Window:
1600m Run (Buy-In)
*200m intervals
directly into...
6 Burpees to Bar
8 Cals (MC)
10 Single DB Step-Ups
12 Alt. DB Snatches
14 Wall Balls