12/25/21 - WOD


No scheduled classes today, but the following program will be setup on the coaches board:



HXBXplusWarm Up
Tabata x 20
1) Single-Arm Plank
2) Alt. Lat. Lunges
3) Side Plank
4) Air Squats
5) Hollow Hold
6) Plank Shoulder Taps
7) V-Ups
8) Bear Crawl
9) Frog Jumps
10) Wall Climbs

B. EMOM x 30
In teams of 2....
1) 10 DB Devil's Press
2) 18/15 Cal Row
3) 20 Box Jumps (24"/20")
4) 25/20 Push-Ups
5) Rest
*Partner A starts on Station 1, Parnter B starts on Station 2


Warm Up
Tabata x 20
1) Single-Arm Plank
2) Alt. Lat. Lunges
3) Side Plank
4) Air Squats
5) Hollow Hold
6) Plank Shoulder Taps
7) V-Ups
8) Bear Crawl
9) Frog Jumps
10) Wall Climbs

B. EMOM x 30
In teams of 2....
1) 10 DB Devil's Press
2) 18/15 Cal Row
3) 20 Box Jumps (24"/20")
4) 25/20 Push-Ups
5) Rest
*Partner A starts on Station 1, Parnter B starts on Station 2

Paul Dickey