03/12/22 - WOD




Warm Up
Warm Up
300/250m Row
Followed by...
Tabata x 10
1) Air Squats
2) Plank to Pike
3) Plank Shoulder Taps
4) HR Push-Ups
5) Hollow Hold

A. EMOM x 30
1) 300/250m Row
2) 20 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
3) 20 DB Push Press
4) 15/12 Cal Bike
5) Rest


Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 9
1) BW Lunges
2) HR Push-Ups
3) Inchworms

A. In a 35 min Window:
In teams of 2...
3500m Row Buy-In
directly into...
6 DB Deadlifts
9 Box Jumps
6 Front Squats
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Shoulder to OH
9 Wall Balls

Paul Dickey