03/25/22 - WOD
Warm Up
EMOM x 6:
:40 on/:20 off
1) Row
2) Banded GM's
3) Row
4) Hollow Rocks
5) Row
6) DB Rom. DL (light)
*Allow 5 min to Warm Up DL
A. Three Rounds for Time:
20 Cal Row
20 Deadlifts (185/125lbs)
12 Lat. Burpees over Bar
*18 min TIMECAP
B. Three Sets:
SL Deadlifts x 8 each @3011
Barbell Glute Bridges x 8
Side Plank x :45 sec each
Warm Up
Group 1)
Row x 3 min
Group 2)
3 min AMRAP:
5 Empty BB Rom. DL's
5 Lat. Burpees over Bar
A. Every :90 sec, for 5 Rounds:
Deadlifts x 8
*build as comfortable
B. "Level Up"
In a 9 min Window:
250m Row
6 DB Thrusters
*add one Thruster each round
-3 min rest-
In a 9 min Window:
5 Deadlifts
5 Lat. Burpees over Bar
*add one to both mvnts each round