04/20/22 - WOD
Warm Up
Group 1)
Bike x 2 min
Group 2)
2 min AMRAP:
2 Inchworms
4 Burpees
8 KB Swings (light)
*Allow 5 min to Warm Up Part A
A. Every :90 sec, for 8 Sets:
Push Press
Push Jerk
*Start at 50% and build to a heavy
B. Every 5 min, for 3 Sets:
15/12 Cal Bike
12 Toes to Bar
9 Handstand Push-Ups
15/12 Cal Bike
*Record 3 times
Warm Up
10 Cals (MC)
Followed by...
Two Rounds:
200m Run
Inchworms x 5
A. In a 15 min Window:
BB Bent Over Row
*5 DB Curls between each set
B. "EMOM Mania"
EMOM x 20
:40 on/:20 off
1) Row
2) Box Jumps
3) Row
4) Alt. DB Snatches
*Split class into two groups