07/26/22 - WOD
Warm Up
Two Sets of:
Suitcase DL x 8 each
KB Swings x 15
Broad Jumps x 5
*Allow 5 min to Warm Up Part A
A. Every :90 sec, for 6 Sets:
*Halting Clean DL
*perform clean pull to mid-thigh, pause 2 sec, then lower bar to ground, pause for 1 sec, then perform the Clean & Jerk/Record heaviest weight
B. For Time:
15 G2O (135/95lbs)
30 Toes to Bar
12 G2O
24 Toest to Bar
9 G2O
18 Toes to Bar
Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Scap Push-Ups
2) Plank to Pike
3) KB Swings (light)
A. 3 x 10:
BB Curls
DB Seasaw Rows
directly into...
Three Rounds:
:40 on/:20 off
Medball Tosses
B. "King of the Hill"
In an 18 min Window:
200 Run
12 SA DB Devil's Press
(6 each arm)
24 KB Swings