Warm Up
5 min AMRAP:
8 Cals (MC)
8 Burpees to a Plate
8 Empty BB Squat Cleans
*Allow 6-8 min to Warm Up Part A
A. Every 3 min, for 10 Sets:
For Max Load...
300/250m Row
[or 15/12 Cal Bike]
2 Squat Cleans
*2 attempts only/add up all successful lifts
Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Inchworms
2) KB Sumo DL
3) Air Squats
A. In a 12 min Window:
Sumo Deadlifts x 8
*build as comfortable
directly into...
Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) Banded Rotations (left)
2) Banded Rotations (right)
3) Flutter Kicks
B. "Level Up"
In an 8 min Window:
100m Run
10 DB Alt. Snatches
*add 2 snatches each round
-3 min rest-
In an 8 min Window:
5 Cal Bike
5 Dball Power Cleans
*add one rep to both each round