



Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 9
1) Scap Pull-Up
2) Empty BB Rom. DL
3) Empty BB Power Clean

*Allow 8 min to Warm Up Part A

A. Every 4 min, for 32 min:
400m Run
9 Pull-Ups
3 Power Cleans
*Only 3 attempts at PC; Score is MAX LOAD


Warm Up
Tabata x 10
1) High Knees
2) Butt Kickers
3) Plank to Pike
4) Scap Push-Ups
5) Hollow Hold

A. In an 8 min Window:
Four Sets (minimum) of:
SA Bent Over Row x 8
(each arm)
DB Hammer Curls x 12
directly into...
Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) SL V-Ups
2) Bicycles
3) Russian Twists

B. "King of the Hill"
In a 20 min Window:
75 Cals (MC-Buy In)
directly into...
20 Alt. DB Snatches
40 Wall Balls

Hexbox Fitness