Warm Up
Two Rounds of:
100m Run
10 KB Rom. DL
10 Single KB Step-Ups
*Allow 6 min to Warm Up/Set Up Part A
A. "The Running Dead"
For Time:
1600m Run
50 Deadlifts (225/155lbs)
50 Cals (MC)
50 DB Box Step-Overs
1600m Run
*40 min TIME CAP
Warm Up
100m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Inchworms
2) Burpees
3) BW Rev. Lunges
A. In a 9 min Window:
Three Sets (minimum):
Goblet Squats x 8
(heel elevated on plate)
KB Curtsy Lunges x 16
(8 each leg)
B. "Partner Frenzy"
Six Rounds:
3 min on/1 min off
1) Bike
2) AMRAP Style:
3 Dballs Over the Shoulder
6 Dball Power Cleans
(alt. shoulers)
9 DB Push Press