Warm Up
200m Run
*Nasal breathing only
Followed by....
Tabata x 4
1) KB Sumo DL
2) KB Russian Swing
3) KB Goblet Squat
4) Single KB Thruster
*Must start Part A by 9:15AM
A. Six Rounds for Time:
In teams of 2...
*You Go, I Go Fashion
500m Row
400m Run
30 KB Sumo DL
25 Wall balls
20 Push-Ups
*Partner A does row, Partner B does run, etc...Every round partners should be on opposite mvnts
[45 min TIME CAP]
Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
EMOM x 6
:35 on/:25 off
1) Empty BB Curls
2) Banded Tricep Ext.
A. "Tag"
In a 30 min Window:
5 BB/DB Power Cleans
10 Box Jumps
5 BB/DB Front Squats
10 Burpees to a Bar
5 Pull-Ups
200m Run