Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by....
Tabata x 6
1) HR Push-Ups
2) Banded Pull-Aparts
3) Static Hang
A. In a 12 min Window:
Build to a heavy set of 5...
Close Grip Bench Press
B. Three Rounds for Time:
400m Run
6 Wall Walks
12 Pull-Ups
Warm Up
Tabata x 12
1) Plank
2) Scap Push-Ups
3) Air Squats
4) Plank to Pike
5) Hollow Hold
6) Mountain Climbers
A. 3 x 10
BB Curls
(from knees)
DB Rev. Fly's
directly into...
Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) Leg Pulses
2) Flutter Kicks
3) Scissor Kicks
B. "King of the Hill"
In a 16 min Window:
8 BB/DB Power Cleans
12 BB/DB Push Press
16 Cals (MC)
20 Russian KB Swings