Warm Up
EMOM x 8
:20 on/:20 off
1) Burpees
2) Plank Shoulder Taps
3) Hawaiian Squats
(:20 sec each)
4) Cossack Squats
A. For Time:
In teams of 2...
40 Synchro DB Thrusters
40 Cal Bike + 40 Cal Row
30 Synchro DB Thrusters
30 Cal Bike + 30 Cal Row
20 Synchro DB Thrusters
20 Cal Bike + 20 Cal Row
10 Synchro DB Thrusters
10 Cal Bike + 10 Cal Row
*each partner must complete cals on both machines before moving on
Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) HR Push-Ups
2) Squat Jumps
3) Jumping Pull-Ups
A. "Tag"
In a 35 min Window:
5 BB/DB Power Cleans
10 Box Jump Overs
5 BB/DB Front Squats
10 Burpees to a Bar
5 Pull-Ups
200m Run