07/27/21 - WOD
Warm Up
EMOM x 6
:40 on/:20 off
1) Bike
2) Suitcase KB DL
(:20 sec each side)
3) Dball Slams
Allow 5 min to Warm Up DL and set up for workout
A. "The Running Dead"
For Time:
1600m Run
40 Deadlifts (185/125lbs)
40 Cal Bike
40 DB Box Step-Overs (50/35lbs)
1600m Run
*40 min TIME CAP
Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Cobra
2) Scap Push-Ups
3) HR Push-Ups
A. Three Sets of:
DB Bent Over Row x 8
(1 sec pause at top)
DB Rev. Flys x 10
Banded Pull-Aparts x 12
directly into...
Three Rounds:
:40 on/:20 off
Medball Tosses
B. "King of the Hill"
In a 16 min Window:
6 DB Step-Ups
12 Box Jumps
18 KB Swings
200m Run
*looking for most time spent in YZ