08/27/21 - WOD




Warm Up
Two Rounds:
w/ empty BB...
5 Strict Press
10 Lat. Burpees over Bar
directly into...
Two Rounds:
Power Clean x 3
Squat Clean x 3
Push Jerk x 3
Split Jerk x 3

Allow 5 min to warm up C&J

A. Every :90 sec, for 8 Sets:
Clean & Jerk x 1
*start at 60% and build as comfortable

B. For Time:
40/30 Cal Bike
40 Burpee Pull-Ups
*Burpee+Pull-Up = 1 rep
[burpee under bar]


Warm Up
Tabata x 12
1) High Knees
2) Burpees
3) Air Squats
4) Plank to Pike
5) Butt Kickers
6) Plank Shoulder Taps

A. In a 15 min Window:
Back Squat x 12
*build as comfortable

B. "King of the Hill"
In an 18 min Window:
12 Lat. Burpees over Bar
12 BB/DB G2O
12 Cals (MC)

Paul Dickey