06/03/22 - WOD




Warm Up
Two Sets of:
250m Row
SA DB Thruster x 5 (each arm)

A. Three Sets of:
Front-Racked BB Split Squats x 5 (each)
DB Rom. Deadlifts x 5
(w/ 6 sec descent)

B. For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (95/65lbs)


Warm Up
200m Run
directly into...
Tabata x 6
1) Burpees
2) Plank to Pike
3) Alt. Lunges

A. Two Rounds:
3 min AMRAP:
4 Goblet Hold Lunges
8 Air Squats
12 Jumping Lunges
-2 min rest between-

B. "Tag"
In a 25 min Window:
9 DB Thrusters
100m Run
9 Box Jumps
10 Alt DB Snatches
9 Burpees
10 Cal Bike
*Pair of DB's needed for Thrusters, Members can have a 3rd DB if needed for heavier snatches

Paul Dickey