Warm Up
Tabata x 6
1) Burpees
2) Inchworms
3) Alt. DB Snatches (light)
directly into...
One Round of:
Snatch Grip DL x 4
Snatch Grip Shrug x 4
Snatch Grip High Pull x 4
Power Snatch x 4
Squat Snatch x 4
*Allow 5 min to Warm Up Part A
A. Every :90 sec, for 5 Sets:
Snatch Grtip DL
Snatch Pull
@ 80-90% of 1RM
B. Every 4 min, for 4 Sets:
25/20 Cal Row
(or 20/16 Cal Bike)
10 Power Snatches (135/95lbs)
*record all 4 times
Warm Up
100m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Air Squats
2) Cobra
3) Plank to Pike
A. In a 15 min Window:
DB/KB Front Rack Squats
*6 Plank Walks (up/downs) between each set
B. "Tag"
In a 20 min Window:
100m Run
8 Single DB Step-Ups
8 Box Jumps
8 Alt. DB Snatches
8 Goblet Hold Lunges