Warm Up
EMOM x 8
:40 on/:20 off
1) Row
2) Box Jumps
3) Goblet Squats
4) BW Lunges
A. Five Sets of:
Barbell Hip Thrust x 6-8
*Go heavy
Strict Pull-Ups x 5
B. 10 min AMRAP:
40 DU's
20 Walking Lunges
(Farmers Carry; 24/16kg)
Warm Up
Tabata x 10
1) Scap Push-Ups
2) Inchworms
3) Burpees
4) Hollow Hold
5) Superman Hold
A. EMOM x 12
:35 on/:25 off
1) DB/KB Bent Over Row
2) SL V-Ups
3) DB Reverse Fly's
4) DB Floor Press
B. "Level Up"
In a 9 min Window:
200m Run
10 Dball Power Cleans
*add two reps to Dball
-rest 3 min-
In a 9 min Window:
250m Row
5 Devil's Press
*add one rep to Devil Press