Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
w/ an empty BB...
1) Power Clean
2) Squat Clean
3) Front Squat
*Allow 6 min to Warm Up Part A
A. Every 2 min, for 6 Sets:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Hang Clean
*Start around 50% and establish a heavy
B. Every 5 min, for 4 Sets:
30/25 Cals (MC)
30 Alt. DB Snatches (50/35lbs)
Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Inchworms
2) BW Lunges
3) Squats
A. EMOM x 9
:35 on/:25 off
1) DB Rev. Lunges
2) DB Rom. Deadlifts
3) Heel Raised Goblet Squats
B. "Tag"
In a 24 min Window:
100 Cal Bike (Buy-In)
directly into...
8 Burpees
16 Box Jump Overs
8 KB Goblet Squats
16 Wall Balls
*100 Cals split between Partners