



Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Two Sets of:
KB Rev. Lunges x 8
(Goblet Hold)
KB Rom. DL x 8
KB Russian Swing x 8

*Allow 8 min to Warm Up Part A

A. Every 2 min, for 8 Sets:
Deadlift x 2-3
*Establish a heavy

B. For Time:
600m Run
30 Chest to Bars
600m Run


Warm Up
4 min AMRAP:
100m Run
Inchworms x 5
Burpees x 5

A. In a 9 min Window:
Back Squat x 8
(one sec pause at bottom)
*:20 sec wall sit directly after each set

B. "EMOM Mania"
EMOM x 20
:40 on/:20 off
1) Row
2) Alt. DB Snatches
3) Straight Legged Sit-Ups
4) Burpees Over Row
5) KB Sumo Deadlifts

Hexbox Fitness