



Warm Up
EMOM x 10
:40 on/:20 off
1) Row
2) DB Strict Press (light)
3) DB Bent Over Row (light)
4) Plank Hold
5) HR Push-Ups

A. Four Sets of:
:15 sec Ring Support Hold
(arms locked out at top)
immediately into...
Max Reps Ring Dips
*record reps after hold

B. Four Sets of:
Against a 3 min clock...
350/300m Row
Max Wall Walks in remaining time
-2 min rest between-
*Record 4 sets of wall walks


Warm Up
Tabata x 9
1) Plank to Pike
2) Shoulder Taps
3) BW Rev. Lunges

A. In a 9 min Window:
3 x 16 (minimum):
KB Curtsy Lunges
*8 each leg
Squat Jumps
Banded Pull-Aparts

B. "Partner Frenzy"
Six Rounds:
3 min on/1 min off

1) Row

2) AMRAP style:
6 Dball Over Shoulder
12 Dball Power Cleans
(alt. shoulder)

Hexbox Fitness