02/23/21 - WOD




Warm Up
4 min AMRAP:
100m Run
3 Inchworms
6 Burpees
Followed by...
Tabata x 4
1) Cobra
2) Scap Push-Ups

A. 3 x 10
KB Bent Over Row
KB Rev. Fly's
directly into...
EMOM x 6
:35 on/:25 off
1) SL SU's (left)
2) SL SU's (right)
3) SL SU's

B. EMOM x 20
1) Burpees x :40 sec
2) 16 Russian Swings (32/24kg)
3) V-Ups x :40 sec
4) 40 DU's or 60 SU's


Warm Up
4 min AMRAP:
100m Run
3 Inchworms
6 Burpees
Followed by...
:30 sec Cobra

A. EMOM x 6
:35 on/:25 off
1) Banded Pull-Aparts
2) Scap Push-Ups
3) KB Bent Over Row
directly into...
Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) Hollow Hold
2) Flutter Kicks
3) Scissor Kicks

B. "Point Break"
In a 16 min Window:
10 Burpees
10 SA KB BOR (10 each)
10 Russian Swings
10 KB DL
100 Single Unders
*:40 sec of Mountain Climbers at the top of every 4 min

Paul Dickey
02/22/21 - WOD




Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 4
1) Rev. Lungs
2) Air Squats

A. Four Sets:
Split Squats x 8 (each)
Goblet Squats x 10
Weighted Hip Thrusts x 12

B. Four Rounds for Time:
200m Run
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs
16 DB Step-Up Overs (50/35lbs)
20 Alt. Rev. Lunges


Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 4
1) Rev. Lunges
2) Air Squats

A. EMOM x 9
:40 on/:20 off
1) Split Squats
(:20 sec each)
2) Goblet Squats
3) Single Leg Hip Thrusts
(:20 each leg)

B. "Tag"
In a 30 min Window:
200m Run (each)
60 Alt. DB Snatches
80 Box Jumps
100 Air Squats
*You Go, I Go fashion. Split reps up however you like

Paul Dickey
02/20/21 - WOD




Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 4
1) Cobra
2) Burpees

A. Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) V-Ups
2) Plank Up Downs
3) Russian Twists

B. 25 min AMRAP:
In teams of 2
You Go, I Go fashion...
200m Run
6 Burpees
8 Push-Ups
10 Alt. DB Snatches (50/35lbs)


Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 4
1) Cobra
2) Burpees

A. Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) V-Ups
2) Plank Up Downs
3) Russian Twists

B. "Tag"
In a 30 min Window:
100m Run
4 Burpees
6 Push-Ups
8 DB SA Hang C & J's
10 Alt. DB Snatches

Paul Dickey
02/19/21 - WOD




Warm Up
10 Cal Row
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Plank to Pike
2) Hold @ bottom of squat
3) Plank to Shoulder Taps

A. Three Sets:
KB Strict Press x8
KB Push Press x 10

B. Five Rounds for Time:
10 KB Suitcase DL (24/16)
(10 each)
10 SA KB Push Press (10 each)
10 Cal Row


Warm Up
100m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Plank to Pike
2) Hold @ bottom of squat
3) Plank Shoulder Taps

A. Four Sets:
KB Strict Press x 8
KB Shrugs x 12

B. "Level Up"
In a 9 min Window:
5 KB Suitase DL (each)
5 SA KB Push Press (each)
*add one rep to each
-3 min rest-
In a 9 min Window:
100m Row
5 Devil Presses
*add one rep to Devil Press

Paul Dickey
02/18/21 - WOD




Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 4
1) Cobra
2) Plank to Pike

A. Three Sets:
DB Curls x 12
Box Dips x 12
directly into...
Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) Leg Pulses
2) SL SU (left)
3) SL SU (right)

B. In a 20 min Window:
1 Mile Run
directly into...
6 Single DB DL's
12 Single DB Step-Ups
24 Box Jumps


Warm Up
100m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 4
1) Cobra
2) Air Squats

A. EMOM x 6
:40 on/:20 off
1) Russian Step-Ups
2) DB SA Curls
directly into...
Six Rounds:
1) Flutter Kicks
2) Superman Hold
3) Leg Pulses

B. "Partner Frenzy"
In a 25 min Window:
Partner 1 completes...
400m Run
Partner 2 completes...
6 SA DB Step-Ups
12 Box Jumps

Paul Dickey
02/17/21 - WOD




Warm Up
500m Row
Followed by...
Tabata x 4
1) Plank to Pike
2) Burpees

A. 4 x 10
DB Floor Press
DB Skull Crushers
Close Grip Push-Ups

B. Four Rounds for Time:
400/350m Row
10 Lat. Burpees over Rower
10 Dballs Over Shoulder


Warm Up
5 min AMRAP:
100m Run
5 Plank to Pikes
10 Burpees

A. 4 x 10
DB Floor Press
Banded Push-Ups
DB Skull Crushers

B. "Level Up"
In a 9 min Window:
5 Cal Row
5 DB Thrusters
*add one rep to each
-3 min rest-
In a 9 min Window:
5 Push-Ups
5 Dball Over the Shoulder
*add one rep to each

Paul Dickey
02/16/21 - WOD




Warm Up
5 min AMRAP:
5 Cal Row

A. 10-9-8...1
KB Bent Over Row
*5 Banded Pull-Aparts between each
directly into...
Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) SL V-Ups
2) Bicycles
3) Superman Hold

B. 16 min AMRAP:
16 Cal Row
20 KB Swings
24 SA KB Hang C & J's


Warm Up
4 min AMRAP:
3 Inchworms
6 HR Push-Ups
9 Jumping Knee Tucks

A. Three Sets:
DB Rev. Fly's x 10
Banded Pull-Aparts x 12
(2 sec pause at top)
directly into...
EMOM x 6
:35 on/:25 off
1) SL SU (left)
2) SL SU (right)
3) SL SU

B. "Level Up"
Every 3 min, for 24 min:
2:30 on/:30 off

1) Row

6 V-Ups
8 SA KB Press
10 KB Swings
(6 each)

Paul Dickey
02/15/21 - WOD




Warm Up
10 Cal Bike
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Air Squats
2) Plank to Pike
3) Rev. Lunges

A. Four Sets:
DB RDL's x 12
DB Rev. Lunges x 20

B. For Time:
30 DB Front Squats (50/35)
50/35 Cal Bike
30 Alt. DB Snatches
50/35 Cal Bike
*24 min Time Cap


Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Air Squats
2) Plank to Pike
3) Rev. Lunges

A. 4 x 12
DB Front Squats

B. "Point Break"
In a 20 min Window:
5 DB Hang Clean & Jerks
(5 each arm)
10 Alt. DB Snatches
20 Rev. Lunges
40 Single Unders
*15 Burpees at the top of every 4 min

Paul Dickey
02/13/21 - WOD




Warm Up
400m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Inchworms
2) HR Push-Ups
3) BW Lunges

A. 30 min AMRAP:
In teams of 2...
You Go, I Go Fashion
200m Run
6 Push-Ups
8 Burpees
10 Air Squats


Warm Up
400m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Inchwoms
2) HR Push-Ups
3) BW Lunges

A. "Tag"
In a 30 min Window:
200m Run (each)
40 Burpees
80 Air Squats
40 Push-Ups
80 DB Bent Over Row

Paul Dickey
02/12/21 - WOD




Warm Up
500m Row
Followed by...
Tabata x 4
1) Plank to Pike
2) Inchworms

A. 3x12
DB Curls
DB Floor Press

B. Four Rounds for Time:
500m Row
10 Single DB Step-Ups (50/35lbs)
20 Alt. DB Snatches


Warm Up
20mm Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Plank to Pike
2) Inchworms
3) Air Squats

A. 4 x 10
DB Strict Press
DB Curls
Box Dips

B. "Partner Frenzy"
Every 3 min, for 18 min:
2:30 on/:30 off
1) Row

2) AMRAP Style:
8 Alt. DB Snatches
12 Single DB Step-Ups

Paul Dickey
02/11/21 - WOD




Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 4
1) Cobra
2) Plank to Pike

A. Three Sets:
DB Strict Press x 8
DB Upright Fly's x 12
directly into...
Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) V-Ups
2) Weight SL Sit-Ups
3) Leg Pulses

B. 15 min AMRAP:
200m Run
12 DB DL's (50/35lbs)
9 DB Hang Squat Cleans
6 DB Push Press


Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 4
1) Cobra
2) Plank to Pike

A. Three Sets:
DB Upright Fly's x 12
Plank Shoulder Taps x 20
directly into...
Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) Hollow Hold
2) SL V-Ups
3) Heel Touches

B. "Point Break"
In an 21 min Window:
6 DB Devil's Press
8 DB Hang Squat Cleans
10 DB FR Rev. Lunges
*400m Run every 7 min

Paul Dickey
02/10/21 - WOD




Warm Up
500m Row
Tabata x 6
1) Plank on Hands
2) Burpees
3) Air Squats

A. 4x8
DB Floor Press @313X
DB Chest Fly's
Banded Push-Ups

B. For Time:
Cal Row
DB Clean & Jerks (50/35lbs)
Dball Over the Shoulder (heavy)


Warm Up
Tabata x 9
1) Inchworms
2) Plank to Pike
3) Burpees

A. 4x8
DB Floor Press @ 41X1
DB SA Chest Fly's
(8 each arm)

B. "Level Up"
In a 9 min Window:
5 Burpees
5 SA DB Clean & Jerks
(5 each arm)
*add one rep to both mvnts
-3 min rest-
In a 9 min Window:
50 Single Unders
5 Dball Box Jump Overs
*add one rep to dball box jump overs each round

Paul Dickey
02/09/21 - WOD




Warm Up
3 min Bike
Followed by...
Tabata x 4
1) Plank to Pike
2) Scap Push-Ups

A. Three Sets:
DB Rev. Fly's x 10
DB Bent Over Row x 12
Banded Pull-Aparts x 16
directly into...
Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) Hollow Hold
2) Flutter Kicks
3) Heel Touches

B. 16 min AMRAP:
8 Devil's Press (50/35lbs)
12 DB Push Press
16 Cal Bike


Warm Up
Tabata x 6
1) Burpees
2) Inchworms
3) Cobra

A. 10-9-8...1
DB Bent Over Row
*5 Banded Pull-Aparts between each set
directly into...
Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) Flutter Kicks
2) Bicycles
3) Leg Pulses

B. "Partner Frenzy"
Every 2 min, for 16 min:
:90 on/:30 off
1) Bike

2) AMRAP Style:
6 DB DL's
5 DB Hang Cleans
6 DB Push Press

Paul Dickey
02/08/21 - WOD




Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 4
1) Air Squats
2) BW Lunges

A. EMOM x 6
:40 on/:20 off
1) Goblet Squats
2) Rev. Lunges
(goblet hold)

B. 30 min AMRAP:
Partner Workout
You Go, I Go
200m Run
*Squat Anarchy
6 KB Step-Ups (24/16kg)
8 Box Jumps
10 KB Swings (24/16kg)


Warm Up
100m Run
Tabata x 4
1) Air Squats
2) BW Lunges

A. 10-9-8...1
KB Step-Ups
*You Go, I Go Fashion

B. "Tag"
In a 24 min Window:
100m Run
*Squat Anarchy
5 Box Jumps
5 Burpees
*Squat Anarchy is 1 up to 5 on air squats. One partner must hold the bottom of the squat while other is doing their air squats

Paul Dickey
02/06/21 - WOD




Warm Up
400m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Cobra
2) Single Unders
3) Light Alt. DB Snatches

B. 30 min AMRAP:
In teams of 2...
You Go, I Go Fashion:
25 DU's or 50 SU's
10 Box Jumps
100m Run
10 Alt. DB Snatches (50/35lbs)


Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 9
1) Light DB Clean & Jerks
2) Light Alt. DB Snatches
3) Jumping Knee Tucks

A. "Tag"
In a 35 min Window:
You Go, I Go Fashion...
200m Run
6 DB Devils Press
8 DB Clean & Jerks
10 Box Jumps

Paul Dickey
02/05/21 - WOD




Warm Up
500m Row
Followed by...
Tabata x 4
1) Plank to Pike
2) Shoulder Taps

A. Three Sets:
DB Strict Press x 8
DB Strict Press x 10
DB Shoulder Fly's x 12

B. Four Rounds for Time:
12/9 Cal Row
12 Lat. Burpees Over Row
12 DB Thrusters (50/35lbs)


Warm Up
Tabata x 12
1) High Knees
2) Plank to Pike
3) Butt Kickers
4) Plank Shoulder Taps

A. Three Sets:
DB Strict Press x 8
DB Push Press x 10
DB Shrugs x 12
(2 sec pause at top of shrug)

B. "Level Up"
In a 9 min Window:
Max Cal Row
-3 min rest-
In a 9 min Window:
5 DB Thrusters
5 Burpees over DB's
*add one rep to each mvnt"

Paul Dickey
02/04/21 - WOD




Warm Up
400m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Lat. Lunges
2) Cobra
3) Plank

A. EMOM x 9
:40 on/:20 off
1) Flutter Kicks
2) Plank Kick Throughs
3) Superman Pulses

B. 20 min AMRAP:
400m Run
20 Push-Ups
20 Russian Swings (32/24kg)


Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Cobra
2) Lat. Lunges
3) Plank

A. EMOM x 12
:40 on/:20 off
1) Flutter Kicks
2) Air Squats
3) Plank Kick Throughs
4) Superman Pulses

B. "Point Break"
In an 18 min Window:
12 KB Russian Swings
24 KB Rev. Lunges
(Goblet Hold)
48 SU's
*400m Run at the top of every 6 min

Paul Dickey
02/03/21 - WOD




Warm Up
500m Row
Followed by...
Tabata x 4
1) Plank to Pike
2) Light DB Alt. Snatches

A. EMOM x 9
:40/:20 off
1) DB SA Curls
2) DB Floor Skull Crushers
3) HR Push-Ups

B. Two Rounds for Time:
800m Row
10 Devils Press (50/35lbs)
20 DB DL's


Warm Up
Tabata x 9
1) High Knees
2) Burpees
3) Plank to Pike

A. 4x12
DB Curls
DB Floor Skull Crushers

B. "Partner Frenzy"
Every :2 min, for 24:
:90 on/:30 off
1) Row
2) AMRAP Style:
5 DB Push-Ups
5 Devil's Press
(hands on handles of DB's for Push-Ups)

Paul Dickey
02/02/21 - WOD




Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Cobra
2) Plank to Pike
3) Scap Push-Ups

A. Three Sets:
KB Bent Over Row x 10
Banded Pull-Aparts x 12
directly into...
Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) V-Ups
2) Hollow Hold
3) Hollow Rocks

B. 16 min AMRAP:
200m Run
8 Burpee Box Jumps
16 KB Step-Ups (24/16kg)


Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 4
1) Cobra
2) Scap Push-Ups

A. EMOM x 9
1) SA Bent Over Row
(:20 each)
2) Banded Pull-Aparts
3) SL Sit-Ups
(:20 each foot)
directly into...
Six Rounds:
1) Hollow Hold
2) Bicycles
3) Heel Touches

B. "Point Break"
In a 16 min Window:
8 DB Step-Ups
12 Box Jumps
16 KB Swings
*200m Run at the top of every 4 min

Paul Dickey
02/01/21 - WOD




Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Air Squats
2) BW Lunges
3) Inchworms

A. Three Sets:
Front Squat x 10
(2 sec pause at bottom)
Split Squats x 16
(8 each leg)

B. For Time:
Alt. DB Snatches
Air Squats


Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) BW Lunges
2) Inchworms
3) Plank to Pike

A. EMOM x 9
:40 on/:20 off
1) Front Squats
(2 sec pause @ bottom)
2) Alt. Rev. Lunges
3) Rom. DL's

B. "Tag"
In a 20 min Window:
6 Burpees
10 Alt. Snatches
8 Jumping Lunges
10 SA Hang Clean & Jerks
(5 each arm)
10 Air Squats

Paul Dickey