08/31/21 - WOD




Warm Up
Tabata x 6
1) Burpees
2) Air Squats
3) Banded GM's

A. "Devil's Sweet Tooth"
For Time:
24/18 Cal Bike
12 Devil's Press (50/35lbs)
20/14 Cal Bike
10 Devil's Press
16/10 Cal Bike
8 Devil's Press
12/6 Cal Bike
6 Devil's Press

B. EMOM x 8
1) Wall Sit x :40 sec
2) KB Rev. Lunges x 16
3) HR Push-Ups x 12
4) Hand Stand Hold x :30 sec


Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Plank to Pike
2) Scap Push-Ups
3) Frog Stretch

A. 3 x 8
Bent Over Row
(2 sec pause at top)
Scap Push-Ups
directly into...
Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) Bicycles
2) V-ps
3) Russian Twists

B. "Level Up"
In a 9 min Window:
200m Run
10 Wall Balls
*add 5 wall balls each round
-3 min rest-
In a 9 min Window:
5 Cal Bike
5 Devil Snatches
(each side)
*add one each round

Paul Dickey
08/30/21 - WOD




Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Inchworms
2) Plank to Pike
3) HR Push-Ups

Allow 5 min to warm up BP

A. In a 12 min Window:
Bench Press
1) 5 @ 80-85%
2) 4 @ 85-90%
3) 3 @ 90-95%
4) 2 @ 95-98%
5) 1 @ 100+%

B. Three Rounds for Time:
30/25 Cal Row
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
10 Strict HSPU's


Warm Up
Tabata x 12
1) Inchworms
2) Air Squats
3) High Knees
4) Burpees

A. In a 14 min Window:
Back Squat x 6
*build as comfortable

B. "Tag"
In a 24 min Window:
24 Cals (MC)
24 Box Jumps
24 SA Devil Press
24 Goblet Squats

Paul Dickey
08/28/21 - WOD

Tabata x 9
1) Frog Jumps
2) Side Plank (left)
3) Side Plank (right)

A. "Disseting Kelly"
30 min AMRAP:
In teams of 2...
400m Run
30 Box Jumps (24"/20")
30 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
*Teams will alt. tasks, with only 1 member working at a time. Partner A will run 400m, Partner B does 30 Box Jumps, Partner A does 30 Wall Balls, Partner B runs 400m, etc.


Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Inchworms
2) Jumping Air Squats
3) Burpees

A. "Tag"
In a 40 min Window: 400m Run (together)
40 Alt. Snatches
80 KB Swings
40 Burpee Box Jumps
80 Cals (MC)
*Members can split reps up however they would like

Paul Dickey
08/27/21 - WOD




Warm Up
Two Rounds:
w/ empty BB...
5 Strict Press
10 Lat. Burpees over Bar
directly into...
Two Rounds:
Power Clean x 3
Squat Clean x 3
Push Jerk x 3
Split Jerk x 3

Allow 5 min to warm up C&J

A. Every :90 sec, for 8 Sets:
Clean & Jerk x 1
*start at 60% and build as comfortable

B. For Time:
40/30 Cal Bike
40 Burpee Pull-Ups
*Burpee+Pull-Up = 1 rep
[burpee under bar]


Warm Up
Tabata x 12
1) High Knees
2) Burpees
3) Air Squats
4) Plank to Pike
5) Butt Kickers
6) Plank Shoulder Taps

A. In a 15 min Window:
Back Squat x 12
*build as comfortable

B. "King of the Hill"
In an 18 min Window:
12 Lat. Burpees over Bar
12 BB/DB G2O
12 Cals (MC)

Paul Dickey
08/26/21 - WOD




Warm Up
EMOM x 6
1) Inchworms
2) Turkish Get-Ups (left)
3) Turkish Get-Ups (right)

A. For Time:
1500m Row
100 Air Squats
50 Alt. DB Snatches (50/35lbs)
1200m Run
1000m Row
60 Air Squats
30 Alt. DB Snatches
800m Run
500m Row
40 Air Squats
20 Alt. DB Snatches
400m Run
*40 min TIME CAP


Warm Up
EMOM x 6
:40 on/:20 off
1) Banded GM's
2) Burpee+Air Squat

A. Four Sets:
Strict Press x 8
Push Press x 8
*complete all 4 sets of SP before moving on to PP

B. "Level Up"
In a 9 min window:
40 SU's
5 Ab-Mat Sit-Ups
*add one sit-up
In a 9 min Window:
5 Cal Bike/SkiErg
5 BB/DB Thrusters
*add one to both mvnts

Paul Dickey
08/25/21 - WOD




Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Banded GM's
2) Inchworms
3) DB Rom. DL's (light)

Allow 5-6 min to warm up DL

A. Deadlift
1) 5 @ 60%
2) 3 @ 65%
3) 1 @ 70%
4) 5 @ 65%
5) 3 @ 70%
6) 1 @ 75%

B. Three Rounds for Time:
10 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jumps
400m Run


Warm Up
100m Run
Tabata x 4
1) Plank (on hands)
2) HR Push-Ups

A. In an 8 min Window:
3 x 10
Bench Press
DB Tricep Kick Backs

B. "Tag"
In a 30 min Window:
5 Pull-Ups
5 Push-Ups
5 Burpees
10 Cal Row
5 Dballs Over Shoulder
5 KB Swing+Squat
5 Plate G2O
100m Run

Paul Dickey
08/24/21 - WOD




Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Plank to Pike
2) HR Push-Ups
3) Static Hang

Allow 4-5 min to warm up BP

A. Bench Press
1) 4 Reps @ 65%
2) 3 Reps @ 75%
3) 2 Reps @ 85%
4) 1 Rep @ 90-95%
5) Max Reps @ 75%

B. EMOM x 16
1) 40 DU's or 80 SU's
2) 20 Push-Ups
3) 15/10 Cal Bike
4) 5 Wall Walks
*scale reps as needed to ensure you have at least 15 sec of rest each min


Warm Up
Tabata x 12
1) High Knees
2) Plank
3) Butt Kickers
4) Mountain Climbers

A. EMOM x 6
:35 on/:25 off
1) DB Seasaw Row
2) Rev. Grip Bent Over Row
directly into...
EMOM x 3
:40 on/:20 off
Medball Partner Toss

B. "King of the Hill"
In a 16 min Window:
6 Devil Press
9 DB Hang Power Cleans
12 DB Push Press
15 Cals (MC)
*Most time spent in YZ

C. "Pipeline"

Paul Dickey
08/23/21 - WOD




Warm Up
Two Rounds:
Bike x :30 sec
w/ empty BB...
Deadlift x 3
Power Clean x 3
Front Squat x 3
*Nasal Breathing only

A. In a 20 min Window:
1-RM Front Squat

B. 7 min AMRAP:
3 Thrusters
3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Thrusters
6 C2B Pull-Ups
9 Thrusters
9 C2B Pull-Ups
*continue adding 3 reps to both mvnts each round until time expires


Warm Up
100m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Inchworms
2) Banded GM's
3) Air Squats

*Allow 4-5 minutes to warm up DL

A. Every :90 sec, for 6 Rounds:
Deadlifts x 10
*build as comfortable

B. "Tag"
In a 20 min Window:
4 DB Hang Clean & Jerks (each arm)
6 Dball Box Jump Overs
8 Alt. DB Snatches
100m Run

Paul Dickey
08/21/21 - WOD




Warm Up
Tabata x 16
1) Single Arm Plank
2) Alt. Lat. Lunges
3) Side Plank
4) Air Squats
5) Hollow Hold
6) Plank Shoulder Taps
7) V-Ups
8) Wall Climbs

A. In teams of 2...
Alt. full rounds, complete as many rounds as possible in 40 min of:
5 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
20 KB Swings (24/16kg)
*Every 6 Rounds (3 per person), teams must run 400m together


Warm Up
400m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 12
1) Burpees
2) Banded GM's
3) HR Push-Ups
4) Hollow Hold

B. "Partner Frenzy"
In a 40 min Window:
3000m Row (together)
directly into...
You Go, I Go Fashion:
5 BB Deadlifts
6 DB Step-Ups
7 Push-Ups
8 Box Jumps

Paul Dickey
08/20/21 - WOD




Warm Up
"Dirty 30"
30 Cal Bike
30 Air Squats
30 Push-Ups

Allow 6 min to warm up Font Squat

A. Five Sets of:
Front Squat x 1.1
*rest 4-5 sec between singles
(use at least 5% more than heaviest loads last week)

B. For Time:
30 DB Thrusters (50/35lbs)
30 Alt. Rev. Lunges
(Farmers Carry)
20 DB Thrusters
20 Alt. Rev. Lunges
10 DB Thrusters
10 Alt. Rev. Lunges


Warm Up
4 min AMRAP:
100m Run
5 Inchworms
5 DB Thrusters (light)

A. 4 x 5
Strict Press
directly into...
2 x 10
DB Shoulder Fly's

B. "Tag"
In a 20 min Window:
5 Devil's Press
10 Air Squats
5 DB Seated Press
100m Run

Paul Dickey
08/19/21 - WOD




Warm Up
Tabata x 8
1) Side Plank (left)
2) Side Plank (right)
3) Air Squats
4) PVC Pipe OH Squats

A. Every :90 sec, for 8 Sets:
Slow Pull Squat Snatch x 2
*BB should be lifted at half speed from the floor to low thigh, then accelaerate the BB as quickly as possible through the middle to perform the squat snatch

B. For Time:
18 Lat. Burpees over Bar
9 Power Snatches (135/95lbs)
14 Lat Burpees over Bar
7 Power Snatches
10 Lat. Burpees over Bar
5 Power Snatches


Warm Up
Tabata x 12
1) Plank
2) Scap Push-Ups
3) Air Squats
4) Plank to Pike
5) Hollow Hold
6) Mountain Climbers

A. 3 x 8
BB Bent Over Rows
DB Rev. Fly's
directly into...
Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) Leg Pulses
2) Flutter Kicks
3) Scissor Kicks

B. "King of the Hill"
In a 16 min Window:
8 BB/DB Power Cleans
12 BB/DB Push Press
16 Cals (MC)
20 KB Swings

Paul Dickey
08/18/21 - WOD




Warm Up
Tabata x 6
1) Inchworms
2) HR Push-Ups
3) Burpees to Bar

Allow 4-5 minutes to warm up Bench Press

A. In a 16 min Window:
Bench Press
1) 5 reps @ 70%
2) 3 Reps @ 75%
3) 1 Rep @ 80%
4) 5 Reps @ 75%
5) 3 Reps @ 80%
6) 1 Rep @ 85%
7) 5 Reps @ 80%
8) 3 Reps @ 85%
9) 1 Rep @ 90%

B. Three Rounds for Time:
400m Run
10 SA DB Push Press (left-50/35lbs)
10 SA DB Push Press (right-50/35lbs)
15 Box Dips


Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Jumping Air Squats
2) Plank to Pike
3) Shoulder Taps

A. EMOM x 9
:35 on/:25 off
1) DB SA Curls
2) Box Dips
3) DB/KB Shrugs

B. "Partner Frenzy"
Every 4 min, for 16 min:
3 min on/1 min off
1) Row

5 Dballs Over the Shoulder
10 Box Jump Overs

C. "Pipeline"
*If Time Allows

Paul Dickey
08/17/21 - WOD




Warm Up
3 min Bike or Row
*Nasal breathing only

A. Two Rounds of:
5 Cal Bike or Row
5 Wall Climbs

B. Every 10 min, for 30 min:
500m Row
15 Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")
30/25 Cal Bike
400m Run


Warm Up
100m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Cobra
2) HR Push-Ups
3) Medball Activation

A. In a 15 min Window:
Bench Press x 6
*Build as comfortable
directly into...
Six Rounds:
:20 on/:15 off
1) Bicycles
2) V-Ups
3) Plank

B. "Level Up"
In a 9 min Window:
100m Run
5 Man-Makers
*add one rep each round
-3 min rest-
In a 9 min Window:
25 DU's or 50 SU's
6 DB Step-Ups
*add two reps each round

Paul Dickey
08/16/21 - WOD




Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
EMOM x 4
:40 on/:20 off
1) Banded Hip Thrusts
2) KB Swings (light)

A. Four Sets of:
Barbell Hip Thrusts x 8
*on the 8th rep hold as long as you possibly can creating maximal contaction of the glutes & hamstrings

B. For Time:
100 DU's or 200 SU's
75 Single KB DL (32/24kg)
50 DB Rev. Lunges (50/35lbs)
[Farmers Hold]
25 DB Box Step-Overs (50/35lbs)


Warm Up
Tabata x 6
1) High Knees
2) Butt Kickers
3) Inchworms
Followed by...
EMOM x 4
:35 on/:25 off
1) Banded GM's
2) Banded Squats

A. In an 8 min Window:
3 x 12
Rev. Lunges
Rom. Deadlifts

B. "Tag"
In a 30 min Window:
10 Cal Row
7 Squat Cleans
7 Push-ups
10 Cal Row
7 Thrusters
7 Burpees over Rower

Paul Dickey
08/14/21 - WOD




Warm Up
Tabata x 16
1) SA Plank
2) Alt. Lat Lunges
3) Side Plank
4) Air Squats
5) Hollow Hold
6) Plank Shoulder Taps
7) Frog Jumps
8) Wall Climbs

A. EMOM. 30
1) 18/15 Cal Bike
2) 8 Devil Presses (50/35lbs)
3) 250/200m Row
4) 20 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
5) Rest


Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 12
1) High Knees
2) Butt Kickers
3) Hollow Rocks
4) Bicycles

B. "Tag"
In a 40 min Window:
3000m Row (as a team)
directly into...
10 Box Jumps
10 Plate G2O
10 Wall Balls
10 Burpees
100m Run
*3000m total split up between partners. It is a buy-in only once. Spend remaining time doing AMRAP

Paul Dickey
08/13/21 - WOD




Warm Up
400m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Knee Tucks
2) Empty BB OH Squats
3) Burpees over Bar

A. "Keep it Steady"
Three Rounds for Time:
800m Run
10 OH Squats (135/95lbs)
15 Lat. Burpees over Bar
20 Toes to Bar


Warm Up
Six Rounds:
:60 on/:20 off
1) Bike/SkiErg
2) Inchworms

A. Three Rounds:
Strict Press x 5
Push Press x 5
directly into...
3 x 8
BB/DB Shrugs

B. "King of the Hill"
In a 20 min Window:
20 Cals (MC)
15 KB Swings
10 Burpees
5 Pull-Ups

Paul Dickey
08/12/21 - WOD




Warm Up
EMOM x 9
:40 on/:20 off
1) Banded GM's
2) Static Hang
3) KB Swings (light)

A. Every :90 sec, for 6 sets:
1) 6 reps @ 70%
2) 4 Reps @ 75%
3) 2 Reps @ 80%
4) 6 Reps @ 75%
5) 4 Reps @ 80%
6) 2 Reps @ 85%

B. Three Rounds for Time:
20 Pull-Ups
40 KB Swings (24/16kg)


Warm Up
Six Rounds:
:30 on/:20 off
1) Row
2) Plank to Pike
3) Medball Squat Cleans

A. Every :90 sec, for 12 min (8 sets):
1) SL KB Deadlift x 8 each
2) Pistol from Box x 8 each
directly into...
:40 on/:20 off
Medball Toss

B. "Code Red"
Every 6 min, for 18 min:
4:30 on/1:30 off
25/20 Cals (MC)
directly into AMRAP:
9 Deadlifts
6 Hang Cleans
3 S2O
-3 min rest-
In a 5 min Window:
Max Meters SkiErg

Paul Dickey
08/11/21 - WOD




Warm Up
5 min AMRAP:
5 Burpees
5 Inchworms
10 Cals (MC)
Followed by...
Two Rounds:
Power Clean x 3
Squat Clean x 3
Push Jerk x 3
Split Jerk x 3
directly into...
One Rounds:
Clean from 2" Below Knee
*2 sec pause at 2" below knee

A. Every :90 sec, for 8 sets:
Clean from 2" Below Knee
*pause 2 sec at 2" below knee

B. 12 min AMRAP:
50 Air Squats
40 DB Snatches (50/35lbs)
[switch arms every 10 reps]
30 Push-Ups


Warm Up
100m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Burpees
2) Plank to Pike
3) Inchworms

A. In an 12 min Window:
Establish a heavy...
Bench Press x 8
*5 DB Upright Flys between each set

B. "Tag"
In a 30 min Window:
100m Run
8 V-Ups
8 Push-Ups
8 Pull-Ups
8 Power Cleans
8 Deadlifts

Paul Dickey
08/10/21 - WOD




Warm Up
Group 1)
Bike x 3 min
*nasal breathing only
Group 2)
3 min AMRAP:
2 Wall Climbs
4 Air Squats
6 Burpees to Bar

A. Every 4 min, for 32 min:
400m Run
8 Shoulder to OH
*BB should be taken from ground. Note the load and reps completed for each set, then total up the load succesfully lifted over the course of 8 sets.


Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
EMOM x 4
:40 on/:20 off
1) Banded GM's
2) Couch Stretch (:20 sec each)

A. Three Rounds:
BB Bent Over Row x 10
DB Rev. Fly's x 12
directly into...
Four Rounds:
:30 on/:15 off
Medball Toss

B. "Level Up"
9 min AMRAP:
200m Run
20 Wall Balls
*add 5 wall balls each round
-3 min rest-
8 min AMRAP
20 Cal Row
20 Alt. DB Snatches
*add 2 snatches each round
directly into...
In a 5 min Window:
Max Meters SkiErg
*Split class into 2 teams depending on class size

Paul Dickey
08/09/21 - WOD




Warm Up
200m Run
Followed by...
Tabata x 6
1) Banded GM's
2) Air Squats
3) Alt. Lat. Lunges

A. Five Sets of:
Front Squats x 1.1.1
*rest 4-5 sec between each
Use the heaviest load from last weeks double

B. For Time:
50/40 Cal Bike (or Row)
50 DB Box Step-Overs (50/35lbs)


Warm Up
Tabata x 6
1) Inchworms
2) High Knees
3) Butt Kickers
Followed by...
Two Rounds:
:30 on/:20 off
1) Empty BB Front Squats
2) Empty BB Thrusters
*can set the BB down as needed. Do not have to be working for entire :60 sec.

A. In a 15 min Window:
Back Squat x 5
*build as comfortable

B. "Tag"
In a 25 min Window:
10 Cal row
12 KB Squat + Swing
10 Cal Row
12 Devil's Press

Paul Dickey